Have It All Blog! The Relationship and Career of Your Dreams!
Ever hear those stories about women who just meet someone in a parking lot, in line at
the bookstore or online and they just click and fall in love? So often we hear from these
women that they just let go of the idea of what Mr. Right looked like and what he had to
be like for them and turned their focus on themselves.
All those ideas you have about the perfect guy for you – his looks, occupation and
everything you decided would be just perfect for you – we suggest you let go of them. If
you think of the tall, dark and handsome guy, you may just miss the Mr. Right for you
who isn’t tall, has light or no hair and is still handsome, nonetheless.
Focus on the relationship you want to have and who you want to be in it with. What will
you and your man be doing? Where will you travel? What romantic getaway will you be
running away to for the weekend? Will you be hiking in the mountains or swimming in
the ocean? What kind of restaurant will you be toasting in as you celebrate your
Too often when we are looking for Mr. Right, we concentrate so heavily on what he’s
going to be like that we get attached to him before we’ve even met him and forget what
we’re going to be like when we meet him.
Perhaps by holding fast to an ideal look for your Mr. Right, maybe you’ve been
sheltering yourself from the real relationship you say you want. Check this out in your
own world. When you make something so perfect that it’s seemingly impossible to find,
you may use this as a mechanism to protect yourself from getting what you say you really
In fact, for some women, actually finding Mr. Right is a shocking thought because …
what if he really does exist? What will happen to the lifestyle you know now and perhaps
Let go of all the preconceived notions you have about him and how he’ll affect your life.
Enjoy the journey of finding out who you want to be in the relationship you’ve dreamed
of and set yourself up for the successful relationship you want by getting clear about you and
what you want.
Know that you can have it all – the fabulous career and the great romance.
And just let go.
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