This 21-Day Challenge Is Your Key To Having It All!

Your Have It All Challenge starts now!

Having it all never felt so good!

If you're anything like we were, you are:    

Tired of hearing the question,

“Why aren’t you married?”

Your probably also tired of looking for him! Your thoughts are spinning and you're probably wondering, "Where is he and why haven't I found him?"     

Maybe you think that focusing on your career is going to be enough.

Maybe you have even given up on the notion that you could have it all.      


And if you're really like us...

you'll have the same conversation over and over with your best friend

and still won't know what to do.  


But it doesn’t have to be like that! Your love life doesn’t have to suffer because you are passionate about your career. And you don’t have to be in career you don’t like if you want something else.

It is possible to have it all. We’ve done it and now we are ready to share it with you.

Take control of your life – in just 21-days, you could have it all!

The 21-Day Challenge Includes

  • 21 Guided Steps

    Every day we will send you your Have It All Step. This is where we will teach you exactly what we did to have our dream lives.

  • Each day you will be given:      

    Action Items

    Proven strategies, tips and tools

    First-hand examples of what we did

    Simple activities that will change your life

The 21-Day Challenge IS for you if you are ready to learn...

  • The formula for success and how to balance a relationship and career

  • How to build a positive belief system

  • Determine your core values and understand how they make a difference in your personal and profession life

  • What to do to attract the right man and the career you really want

  • Where to meet him and how to find the right career

  • How to identify if the man you meet is right for you or know if the career is right for you

  • An approach that will help you get crystal clear about what you want and enable you to define the most important qualities in your partner and career

  • The benefit of releasing your fears about really meeting the right guy so you can have it all

  • How to make room for him and for the right career opportunity

  • The amazing feeling of when you’re with the right man and how that can ignite your career

  • What to do when you FOBFO (freaking out before finding out) 

  • How to respond and not react to any circumstance

  • When to close doors on old relationships so new ones can open and when to move to a different career path

  • Why putting your personal relationship first can help your professional career  

The 21-Day Challenge isn’t for everyone.

The 21-Day Challenge is NOT for you if...   

  • You want to have it all overnight. This isn’t a quick fix.

It is about going through our proven system each day for 21 days    

  • You aren’t willing to take weekly steps and go through the process.

Each day you are going to need to do some activities

to get the results you want.

Bottom line:

To have the life you want, you will need to invest time.